Law professor Neil Hamilton, director of Drake University's Agricultural Law Center, will be featured Wednesday, April 21, as a guest on an episode of Iowa Public Television's "Iowa Journal" exploring Iowans' perspectives on the film "Food Inc."
Category: Law School News
Drake Law School ranks among the nation’s best in intellectual property, legal writing
Drake University Law School's programs in intellectual property and legal writing are ranked among the top programs in the nation in the 2011 edition of "America's Best Graduate Schools," published by US News & World Report magazine.
Professor Yu speaks at Department of Commerce meeting
On April 28, Professor Peter K. Yu, the Kern Family chair in intellectual property law and the founding director of the Intellectual Property Law Center at Drake University Law School, will speak at a public meeting at the U.S. Department of Commerce in Washington, D.C.
Drake students counter Westboro Baptist Church protest
More than 400 Drake University students and other supporters waved signs and chanted "No hate at Drake" over and over as they gathered in front of Old Main early Saturday morning to counter a protest by members of the Westboro Baptist Church.
Drake Law professor honored with alumni service award
Melissa Weresh, professor of law and director of legal writing at the Drake University Law School, recently received the 2010 University of Iowa Alumni Service Award at a ceremony held in Iowa City, Iowa.
Drake law students work pro bono for Hurricane Katrina survivors
A group of Drake University Law School students used spring break to take advantage of an invaluable opportunity to practice their skills for real clients with real need by providing free legal services to low-income clients in New Orleans.
Distinguished intellectual property law alumni return to Drake
The Intellectual Property Law Center and the Intellectual Property Law Society at Drake University Law School are proud to welcome back to campus this April accomplished alumni working in the field of intellectual property law. These alumni will share with students their practice experience on the front lines while providing advice about choosing a career in the IP field.
Drake Law School emerges as nation’s trailblazer to support next generation of farmers
More than 200 participants representing 40 states attended a national conversation on how to help create America's next generation of farmers at a two-day forum this month in Washington, D.C., sponsored by Drake University's Agricultural Law Center.
Law School to host annual Roundtable for Intellectual Property Scholars
Intellectual property and technology law scholars from around the world will gather at Drake Law School for the 2010 Intellectual Property Scholars Roundtable.
Susan Lerdal remembered for dedication to students, faculty, learning
Susan Kay Lerdal, noted for her dedication, assistance and enthusiasm as former associate professor of librarianship in the Drake University Law School Library, died Saturday in Des Moines from complications of leukemia.