Drake's Agricultural Law Center and Professor Neil Hamilton receive grant from Lillian Goldman Charitable Trust.
Category: Faculty and Staff Accomplishments
School of Education receives distance learning award
The School of Education received an International Distance Learning Award at the United States Distance Learning Association's Annual Conference.
Drake biology professor receives grant
Thomas Rosburg, professor of biology, has been awarded a $50,000 grant to study the effects of patch-burn grazing by cattle.
Drake professors receive grant to build on sustainable agriculture research
Neil Hamilton and Ed Cox received a grant of more than $41,000 for their Sustainable Agricultural Land Tenure Initiative.
Professors receive grants for youth summer camps in the sciences
Drake professors Maria Valdovinos and Timothy Urness receive grants from Iowa State University as part of Iowa Space Grant Consortium funding.
Philosophy professor selected as teaching fellow
Jennifer McCrickerd, associate professor of philosophy, was recently selected as an American Association of Philosophy Teachers Teaching Fellow.
Biology professor receives conservation award
Thomas Rosburg, professor of biology, recently received the Olav Smedal Conservation Award from the Ames Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America and Story County Conservation.
Drake professor publishes new edition of global studies textbook
Ramesh Dhussa, associate professor of geography, authored a new edition of his book, "Global Studies: India and South Asia."
Drake pharmacy professor receives $10,000 research grant
Professor Andrea Kjos received a grant from the American Associations of Colleges and Pharmacy - New Investigator Awards.
Drake professor publishes book examining religious freedom
Professor Dennis Goldford has authored a new book, "The Constitution of Religious Freedom: God, Politics, and the First Amendment."