The School of Education International Advisory Council serves, in
consultation with the Dean, as a resource to the Dean and faculty.
The IAC uses its professional skills and/or networks to assist the
SOE in its mission and goals by providing leadership/assistance in
development efforts and serving as ambassadors for the school. We
are pleased to announce that the IAC has added several new members to
its roster this year: William Battistone, newly hired teacher at
Dowling High School; Hope Bossard, Director of Curriculum and School
Improvement at the Gilbert Community Schools; Celeste Bremer, US
Magistrate Judge; Andrew Jacobs, practicing area Counselor; Stephaney
Jones-Vo, ESL/Diversity Consultant for Heartland AEA 11; Sheila King,
Executive Director of District Partnerships for Heartland AEA11;
Susen Schirmer, Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant for
Heartland AEA 11; G. Douglas Stilwell, Superintendent for the
Urbandale Community School District; and, Susan Tallman, Northwest
Region K-8 Director for the Des Moines Public Schools.