Iowa Capitol Building

Drake University Law School is hosting its annual Continuing Legal Education event, the General Practice Review. The 45th annual General Practice Review will be held on Dec. 8-9 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Drake University Olmsted Center, Parents Hall. This event serves to provide updates on current case law and a variety of other topics. All practicing or retired attorneys are invited to attend.

Topics that will be covered during the event include criminal practice and procedure, real estate, family law, ethics, Iowa civil procedure, employment law, insurance law, and more. Lunch will be provided both days.

This year, there are three ticket options available, including in-person, live stream, or recording. Tickets are $450 for two days or $225 for one day. This pricing is consistent for all ticket options. Participants can attend both days to earn a total of 15 CLE credit hours, including 3 ethics hours, or attend one day to earn 7.50 hours.

To register or find more information, click here. For questions, contact Amy Cutler at or 515-271-3361.