The Drake University Constitutional Law Center is pleased to announce Professor Jamal Greene as the 2022 Constitution Day speaker. Greene will present a lecture titled “Saving the Constitution” on Thursday, Sept. 15, at 3 p.m. in Room 213 in Cartwright Hall. This event will also be offered virtually. To register for free, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/drake-law-constitution-day-lecture-2022-registration-406880790397
Professor Jamal Greene, the Dwight Professor of Law at Columbia Law School, is a constitutional law expert whose scholarship focuses on the structure of legal and constitutional argument. He earned his B.A. at Harvard College and his J.D. at Yale Law School. Greene is the author of the book, How Rights Went Wrong: Why Our Obsession with Rights is Tearing America Apart (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2021). He has also authored numerous law review articles and has written in-depth about the Supreme Court, constitutional rights adjudication, and the constitutional theory of originalism.
Professor Mark Kende, director of the Constitutional Law Center and professor at Drake Law School, noted, “Drake Law School feels very fortunate to have someone like Professor Greene give the Constitution Day lecture at this pivotal moment in constitutional history. He not only has authored an important book on the proper role of constitutional rights in our system, but also served on Facebook’s Oversight Board, which rules on the platform’s content moderation and therefore plays a crucial role in free speech issues. He will undoubtedly shed light on the prominent legal issues featured in recent news.”
The Drake University Constitution Day Lecture is held annually to commemorate the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787, and to recognize all U.S. citizens.
About the Drake Constitutional Law Center
The Drake Constitutional Law Center’s mission is to foster study of the U.S. Constitution and its roots, formation, principles, and development. The Constitutional Law Center is one of only four such centers established by Congress and funded by the federal government. Throughout the year, the center hosts multiple lectures and symposiums to bring the nation’s leading constitutional scholars to campus—giving students opportunities to discuss current issues such as race, religion, politics, criminal justice, free speech, and more. Learn more about the Constitutional Law Center.
About Drake Law School
For over 150 years, Drake Law School has helped launch successful careers, providing a legal education that emphasizes experiential learning backed by a solid foundation in legal theory. As the only law school in the capital city of Des Moines, students gain unparalleled access to internships, externships, and clerkships. Drake Law graduates leverage the experience gained from hands-on learning and are ready to put the law in action from day one, joining an alumni network of 6,000+ who use their law degree in all 50 states and across the globe—in every facet of the legal profession. Learn more about a legal education at Drake.