This week Drake has experienced a higher than normal volume of accounts being compromised by hackers. In a few cases, these email accounts have been used to send large volumes of phishing messages to other faculty, staff, and students. ITS has taken steps to address the issues, including limiting the number of messages an individual account can send at one time and blocking links embedded in these messages.

You can help keep our systems secure by carefully assessing every email you receive. If a message looks suspicious report it to or use our service portal.

The most common way an account is hacked is a weak password. We recommend that you consider changing your password to make it stronger. Passwords should be a minimum of 8 characters (12 or more is significantly better), and contain a mix of numbers, upper and lower-case letters, and symbols. Instructions for changing your password can be found at

We recommend changing your passwords when on campus and connected to the Drake wired or wireless network.

Thank you for your vigilance and support in keeping our systems and information safe.