Looking for an easy way to engage with pharmacy students? We are seeking a group of alumni who are willing to provide feedback to P3 students as they write their curriculum vitae. All P3 students create a draft curriculum vitae and perform multiple revisions as part of their CAPS V Professional Planning and CAPS VI Professional Development courses. We are seeking to add a “real world” view to this process. Please share your experience and wisdom by providing feedback on the students’ curriculum vitae.
Alumni volunteers will be assigned no more than 5 student curriculum vitae to review and provide feedback to the student. The review period is very flexible, occurring between November 14, 2016 and December 23, 2016. Please complete this brief survey at to express your interest in serving in this manner.
Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity to support our pharmacy students. If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Clarke at cheryl.clarke@drake.edu or 515-271-3899.