3 new professors join faculty
The SJMC welcomes three new faculty members this fall. Catherine Staub, CEO of Lexicon, was appointed as the new Fisher-Stelter chair of magazine journalism. Matt Thornton, formerly of Louisiana College, joins the PR faculty. Grace Provenzano, who comes from San Francisco State University, will teach in news and digital media production.
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Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat (drakejmc), Tumblr and YouTube.
Free Wash Post, NYT subscriptions
Students can get free access to the Washington Post and New York Times. The Washington Post offers free digital subscriptions to anyone with a .edu email address.
Cowles Library provides free access to the New York Times.
Urban Plains awards
Urban Plains, an innovative multimedia website created by journalism students in their senior capstone, nabbed top honors in the 2015 national journalism educators’ awards contest.
Urban Plains was named the best online magazine by the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
Syracuse University won second place; the University of Missouri, third; and the University of Arizona, honorable mention.
In addition, Kayli Kunkel of Dubuque, who graduated in May, won first place for first-person article, and junior Molly Longman, from Sidney, Iowa, won second for feature writing.
Urban Plains also won a bronze Telly Award for an episode of its “Listen Up” webcast. The website was also recognized by the Art Director’s Association of Iowa for its design.

Look for the TD Wednesday
The Times-Delphic staff is already hard at work. The first issue of 2015-16 will be available across campus Wednesday. Follow the TD on Twitter.
Interested in Drake Magazine?
Writers, photographers and designers interested in working on the Drake Magazine staff should attend a meeting this Tuesday, Sept. 1, 7-8 p.m. in Meredith 104. Drake Mag will also hold a brainstorming meeting for the fall issue on Thursday, Sept. 3, 7:30-8:30 p.m. in Meredith 104. Follow Drake Mag on Twitter.
Looking for a job or internship?
Drake Media Gigs is your one-stop shop for internship and job openings.
Van Wyke presents at national conference
Associate professor Jill Van Wyke presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in August in San Francisco. She served on a panel titled “More Than a Good Story: Methods for Teaching Digital Storytelling” with colleagues from the College of New Jersey, Cabrini College and Southeast Missouri State University.
American Advertising Federation event
The Executive Board of the American Advertising Federation of Des Moines is hosting a welcome evening on Wednesday, September 9 in Meredith 124B. The event is a professional welcome and networking opportunity for Drake Advertising majors, minors, and all students interested in mass communications. Speaker Danny Beyer will talk about the value of networking and how to approach professionals. The AAF Board will also premiere the details for the GRIT Student Event of 2015. Please join us for this AAF kick-off, 6:30-8pm.