Drake University Law School is partnering with the Farmer Veteran Coalition to host the Midwest Conference for Farmer Veterans on Friday and Saturday, July 25-26. The conference is sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University.
The conference will include a tour of a diverse farm operation; educational presentations and workshops led by experts, agency personnel, and veterans service providers; as well as networking opportunities for participants, exhibitors, and employers, including a social reception Friday evening. Most of all, the conference will allow veterans to join other veterans in networking, learning about unique opportunities, and jobs available to military veterans and service members who are farming, aspiring to farm, or seeking agricultural related careers.
Topics for the various educational sessions include business planning, land access, financing, food safety, marketing contracts, branding and certifications, insurance and liability, recordkeeping, succession planning, new Farm Bill programs, and VA benefits for farming.
“Veterans have a history of service and are used to demanding jobs that require decisiveness and adaptability,” says Ed Cox, Staff Attorney at the Drake Agricultural Law Center. “Veterans make great farmers, and the Coalition and this Conference is about helping these veterans succeed in agriculture.
The Farmer Veteran Coalition is dedicated to helping veterans feed the country. The organization works with farmers, veterans, agri-business professionals, educators, and other service providers to provide educational resources and programs for veterans aspiring to farm. The organization also provides guidance to veterans seeking employment in agriculture and rural areas.
The farm tour shuttle will depart on Friday, July 25 at 9 a.m. from Drake University Law School. Interested parties can register at http://iowafarmerveteran.org/midwest/.