Beginning January 2014, Olga Lazareva, assistant professor of psychology at Drake University will be an associate editor at Behavioural Processes, a highly recognized journal of psychology that publishes research in animal behavior and comparative psychology.
Lazareva received her B.A. in history of culture from Kazan State University in Russia, and went on to receive her M.S. in vertebrate zoology. She then earned her Ph.D. in biology from Moscow State University, also in Russia. At Drake, she teaches introductory psychology, principles of behavior, research methods, animal behavior, and comparative psychology.
About Behavioural Processes
Based in Amsterdam, Behavioural Processes is a publication by Elsevier, one of the leading providers of science and health information, reaching over 30 million scientists, students, and health information professionals around the world. Elsevier provides world-class information and innovative tools to help professionals make decisions, advance productivity, and improve outcomes.