Home School of Education SOE Graduate Receives Award

SOE Graduate Receives Award

School of Education graduate, Jason Edwards, MS ’10, received the 2013 Mary McLeod Bethune Award. This Educator of the Year award is sponsored by the 2013 Iowa Juneteenth Observance.

According to the Iowa Juneteenth Observance website, their mission is to ” 1) educate Iowans on, and promote the historical significance of, the Juneteenth holiday in our state; 2) commemorate the end to slavery in America; 3) highlight the economic, political, social efforts of African-Americans to fully participate in the American culture following slavery; and 4) reach out to all Iowans in a mutual celebration of freedom.”

Jason Edwards received his Master of Science in Counseling with concentrations in Rehabilitation Counseling and School Counseling from the School of Education.  He currently serves as a School Counselor for Thomas Jefferson High School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.