Drake Law School will be hosting one of many Legal Writing Institutes across the country on Friday, Dec. 7 at 9 a.m. Drake’s workshop is entitled, “Preparing Practice-Ready Students.”
The Legal Writing Institute (LWI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving legal writing by providing a forum for discussion and scholarship about legal writing, analysis, and research. LWI promotes these activities through its publications, workshops, specialty conferences, and the national biennial conferences held in even-numbered years.
Prof. Danielle Shelton, professor of law, says, “Drake Law is excited to welcome colleagues from across the country for our one-day workshop. We look forward to exchanging ideas about how best to prepare students to practice law in an ever-changing legal environment.”
The event will showcase topics such as “Writing for Today’s Partners”, “Professionalism and Ethics”, “The Softer Side” and “Hot Topics.”
For a complete schedule and to see a list of speakers, visit wiki.lwionline.org/index.php/2012_LWI_Workshops.
Reserve your spot today: www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventId=1147262.
For questions, contact Professor Danielle Shelton at danielle.shelton@drake.edu.