Home School of Education Participate in the School of Education Baby Shower

Participate in the School of Education Baby Shower

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Safe Babies, Court Teams is a Zero to Three initiative focused on improving how the courts, child welfare agences and related child-serving organizations work together. One of the services offered through Safe Babies, Court Teams is a connection to resources by providing a necessities pantry to help the family reach the stability needed to care for their child. So help fill the pantry by participating in the Drake University School of Education Baby Shower.

Shower items can be dropped off between March 27th and April 6th in Room 123 of the School of Education building. A donation box is available for these items.

The following items can be donated

Diapers and pull-ups
Baby Wipes
Crib Sheets
New or Gently Used Clothing for Infants and Toddlers
New or Gently Used Books or Toys for Infants and Toddlers

For further details, please contact Kathy Frank at 515-964-8674.