Each spring a small group of junior and senior magazine majors travels to New York City for a two-day whirlwind tour of publishing offices. On the star-studded schedule this year (check out the map!): are Babble, Siempre Mujer, Daily Candy, Glamour, Fast Company, Vogue, Self, Sound & Vision, Popular Mechanics, Esquire, and Men’s Journal.
Most of the stops are arranged with the help of our fabulous family of Drake University alumni. (We’ll have a whole list, and more photos, at the end of the trip.) Students will catch up on the latest news in magazine and online publishing, meet the movers and shakers about town, and even have a few summer internship interviews. Those who can keep pace with their fearless leader, Professor Jeff Inman, for the two-day blitz receive a day off Saturday to explore the city.
The 2012 adventure begins April 4. Follow along on Twitter with #magNYC12.