Home School of Journalism and Mass Communication SPJ recruitment is Sept. 20-22

SPJ recruitment is Sept. 20-22

From Drake’s SPJ chapter:

The Society of Professional Journalists continues to be the fastest growing professional fraternity at Drake. SPJ focuses on networking within the Drake journalism school and the Des Moines area. Our goal is to facilitate possible job and internship opportunites that will help you in the future. Tours, guest speakers and resume workshops are some of the things that we do to help prepare journalism members. SPJ is open to all journalism majors and minors. Recruitment this year will be a three-day event and all members are required to attend at least two of the events. Recruitment is scheduled to be September 20-22.

These will be the events:

September 20, Meet and Greet (Pomerantz Stage 8 PM)
September 21, Movie Night (Meredith Hall 101 8 PM)
September 22, Game Night (Pomerantz Stage 8 PM)