This week’s market also will feature a free children’s craft table and representatives of the Alzheimer’s Association who will provide information on their free services to families and care givers.
More than 20 vendors will have Iowa-grown produce, baked goods, snacks,
meals, sandwiches, and crafts for sale. Some vendors have wireless
equipment that accepts bank debit cards, VISA, Discover, and MasterCard
credit cards and Electronic Benefit Transfer cards.
Eight vendors welcome Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition checks and IFMNP/WIC checks/vouchers.
The market is open from 4 to 7 p.m. every Wednesday through Sept.
29 in the parking lot of First Christian Church.
Free parking is available for shoppers across from the market on the
east side of 25th Street.
A health tent, where shoppers can have their blood pressure and blood sugar levels measured for free, is available every week.
Drake University has been a friend of the market since 1997,
helping by posting signs at the corners of 31st and University and 25th
and Carpenter. Last year, Drake’s School of Education gave away 375
books to children at the market, and members from Drake’s Department of
Chemistry gave an interactive chemistry demonstration for children.
The market is a nonprofit, community project sponsored by First
Christian Church, the Drake Neighborhood Association and Drake