The Effective Teaching masters program is a 32-hour non-thesis program designed for classroom teachers who want to be come master teachers. Classes are offered nights and weekends to accommodate working professionals and students usually finish the program in two year. The programs consist of a core set of courses and a selection of endorsement strands.
The Downtown School cohort is specifically designed to accompany a the Advanced Studies strand. This is the only location where this strand option is offered. All of these courses will be offered in downtown Des Moines.
The West Des Moines Learning Resource Center cohort will offer all of the core courses at the Learning Resource Center in West Des Moines. Students in that cohort may choose from any of the following for their endorsement strand: Curriculum Leadership, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Reading, ESL/ELL, Gifted and Talented, Middle School, Reading Professional, Secondary Reading, or Urban Education. The courses for the Gifted and Talented and the Middle School strands are offered completely online. Courses for the reading strands are offered in a combination of online, ICN, and face-to-face formats. Courses for all of the other strands are offered on Drake’s campus.
For more information about any of these programs, contact Thalya Hanson at etcoordinator@drake.edu or 515-271-2143.