Lisa Lacher, 515-271-3119 or lisa.lacher@drake.edu
High school students in the Greater Des Moines area and their parents or guardians will learn more about the college search process by attending the fourth annual College Prep Day on Saturday, Nov. 1, at Drake University.
College Prep Day will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Drake’s Olmsted Center, 2875 University Ave. The five sponsors of College Prep Day are the Des Moines NAACP Youth Council, Drake University, the Iowa College Access Network, the Iowa College Student Aid Commission and the ASK Family Resource Center.
“Each year we bring the best resources together to disseminate accurate and up-to-date information so that students are prepared to make a smooth transition into the college of their choice,” said Gretchen Woods, youth works committee chair for the Des Moines branch of the NAACP. “We are serious about and committed to the goal of helping to inform and prepare our next generations.”
For more information and to register online at www.naacpdesmoines.org or www.iowacollegeaid.gov. Any questions may be directed to Gretchen Woods at 515-254-1947 or gretchenwoods@ymail.com.
Three $500 scholarships for 2009 high school seniors to put toward their college education will be awarded. Information about the scholarships, eligibility requirements and an online application are available at www.naacpdesmoines.org and www.iowacollegeaid.gov.
Originally designed for juniors and seniors, College Prep Day has been expanded this year to all high school students. There will be some concurrent sessions designed for juniors and seniors and for freshman and sophomores.
Participants will receive lunch and be entered in a drawing for college giveaways. Eric Johnson, professor of education and director of the Urban Education Program at Drake, will be the keynote speaker at the lunch.
College Prep Day also will include the following information sessions:
- College Choice and the Admission Process
- Financial Planning
- Mini College and Resource Fair
- College Student Panel
In addition, there will be optional sessions on writing a college essay, completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), a tour of the Drake campus and college support for students needing accommodations. Spanish translation will be available upon request.