Drake University is rated in the top five nationally for institutions of its size in 11 categories in the “Great Colleges to Work For” survey released today in the July 14 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education. The survey results can be viewed online.
The 11 categories include Confidence in Leadership, defined as “Leaders have the knowledge, skills and experience necessary for institutional success.” An article about this category appears in today’s issue of The Chronicle under the headline “At Drake, Leadership by Example is Effective.” Read the entire article online.
The other 10 categories in which Drake is rated among the top five nationally for medium-sized institutions with 500 to 2,499 employees are:
- Healthy Faculty-Administration Relations: Senior leadership communicates with and respects faculty members
- Collaborative Governance: Faculty members are appropriately involved in decisions related to academic programs
- Teaching Environment: Faculty members say the institution recognizes innovative and high-quality teaching
- Internal Communications: Ideas are fully considered and issues debated for better results
- Tenure Clarity and Process: Requirements for tenure are clear, faculty members say
- Housing Assistance Programs
- Respect and Appreciation: Employees are regularly recognized for contributions
- Career Development, Research and Scholarship: Adequate time is given for scholarly pursuits
- Engagement Index: The emotional connection employees have to an organization
- Life Insurance
“This is very exciting, and very rewarding,” Drake President David Maxwell said of the survey results. “Drake is at one of the most vital and vibrant points in its long history — and that’s due entirely to the energy, enthusiasm, vision, commitment and good will that our faculty and staff have so generously contributed. We should be very proud — and very grateful — that our collective efforts have been recognized in this way on a national scale.”