Home Official News Releases Iowa’s Best Physics Students to Complete at Drake Wednesday

Iowa’s Best Physics Students to Complete at Drake Wednesday

Contact: Professor Jack Gerlovich, (515) 271-3912, javascript:DeCryptX('0j3d2e0k0.1h1f1s2n2q3y1j1d2j0@2f2t3d2m1f312g2f3x')
John Stiles, Heartland Area Education Agency, (515) 270-9030, jstiles@aea11.k12.ia.us

Lasers, mirrors and mousetrap springs are among the items Iowa’s top high school physics students will employ as they go for the gold in the annual State Physics Olympics at Drake University on Wednesday, April 26. The competition, which is free and open to the public, will take place from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Parents Hall at Olmsted Center, 29th Street and University Avenue.

Approximately 300 students from 50 high schools across the state who won top honors in regional competitions will participate in the state finals, sponsored by Drake’s School of Education and the Heartland Area Education Agency. The events consist of the Optical Slalom, Mousetrap Car, Student-Powered Water Heater, Falling Mass-Powered Car, Ping-Pong Catapult and Soda Straw Arm.