Governor Chet Culver has selected Edward Mansfield to serve on the Iowa Court of Appeals.
Category: Law School News
Drake Law Review ranks among Top 30 nationwide
For the fourth consecutive year, the Drake Law Review ranks among the top 30 law reviews nationally for the number of times courts have cited its articles.
Drake ranks among top schools in IP and advocacy
Drake again reached the top rankings in Intellectual Property and Advocacy and Dispute Resolution, according to preLaw magazine.
Law students launch new animal defense organization
Drake's Law School recently gained a new organization for law students -- the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund. The University is the 131st law school with a chapter of SALDF.
Prof. Anderson’s article cited in two cases before U.S. Supreme Court
The petitioners' briefs in two cases going before the U.S. Supreme Court, cite and quote heavily from an article in the 1993 issue of the Virginia Environmental Law Journal called "The Hazardous Waste Land," written by Drake Law Professor Jerry Anderson.
Drake plans 72nd Supreme Court Celebration
Drake Law School's 72nd annual Supreme Court Celebration will culminate with the Supreme Court Banquet and a keynote speech by Stephen Rapp, LW'74, prosecutor of the United Nations Special Court for Sierra Leone.
Drake Law Review again ranks among top 30 nationwide
For the fourth consecutive year, the Drake Law Review ranks among the top 30 law reviews nationally for the number of times courts have cited its articles.
Drake to host second annual roundtable for intellectual property scholars
At the end of this February, intellectual property and technology law scholars from around the world will gather at Drake Law School for the 2009 Intellectual Property Scholars Roundtable.
Ag Law Center holds Wind Rights Legal Forum
More than 45 attorneys from across Iowa attended a Wind Rights Legal Forum sponsored by the Drake Agricultural Law Center in November at the Neal and Bea Smith Law Center.
Drake law student takes legislative seat
Erik Helland, third-year Drake law student and lifelong resident of Iowa District 69, recently assumed a legislative seat in District 69.