Lonnie L. Johnson, a 2002 Drake alumnus, was named a partner at Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP.
Category: DU in the News
Ten student newspapers sporting the most Facebook fans
Chris Snider, a multimedia journalism instructor at Drake, tracks the top newspapers on Facebook. He says college newspapers don't have "tens of tens of thousands of followers on Facebook... But they are getting there."
Des Moines' sexiest people
The alternative magazine Cityview named Drake Law School alumna Ashley Tousley one of Des Moines "sexiest people." Tousley graduated with honors and was admitted to legal practice in September 2009.
Legal challenge to judicial retention vote is questioned
Three lawyers who challenged the results of Iowa's Supreme Court retention vote could have raised questions about the ballot before the election, Drake University law professor Mark Kende says.
If Walls Could Talk
Larry James, a 2001 Drake Law School alumnus, and his wife Jennifer bought and restored an abandoned 1886 Victorian house on the campus of Drake University. The Jameses appeared on an episode of HGTV's "If Walls Could Talk."
Persistence needed by applicants for Supreme Court
Drake law prof. Robert Rigg says the Nov. 2 election that ousted three Iowa Supreme Court justices may have a chilling effect on new candidates. He also says a different set of candidates may apply.
GOP lawmakers say preschool of “questionable” value
Republican political leaders, speaking at a forum this morning at Drake University, said it is "questionable" whether preschool is of value to all students. The forum was co-sponsored by IowaPolitics.com.
Urban Plains – lifestyles of the flyover states
A freelance travel writer based in Des Moines writes a blog entry about Urban Plains, the all-digital publication launched Dec. 9 by a group of Drake senior magazine majors. Urban Plains is online at http://www.urbanplainsmag-digital.com.
New graduates need vital energy industry (op-ed)
Senior Erin Bramhall says the repeal of tax credits that "American energy companies depend on" would result in increased energy prices for businesses and consumers. She says such a repeal would force companies to layoff staff and/or not hire new employees.
New CHS president and CEO names senior leadership team
Drake Law School alumna Lisa Zell was named senior vice president and leadership counsel of CHS Inc., a diversified energy, grains and foods company based in Inver Grove Heights, Minn.