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Lesson learned: Spouses teaching spouses often flunks the test

Catherine Wilson Gillespie, a professor in the Drake University School of Education, is quoted on a host of reasons why trying to teach a spouse may be problematic. "Mainly, the thing that is likely to go wrong is that the teacher/student relationship is not the power relationship of choice for most married couples," she said.


Drake fixture Pulliam earns Valley award

Dolph Pulliam said, after receiving the Spirit of the Valley award from the Missouri Valley Conference Thursday, that he never regretted turning down professional sports offers to work at Drake. "I became involved in the community, and I get so much joy out of speaking to young people, from being an ambassador for Drake. I have been so blessed to be a part of the University."


Ag groups launch website on land leases and soil conservation

Two agriculture organizations at Drake University and Iowa State University have put together a website designed to give landowners a source of information on how to use leases to encourage soil conservation. Ed Cox of the Drake Agricultural Law Center says more than half of the farmland in Iowa is now rented and 55-percent of the land is owned by people over the age of 65. Neil Hamilton, the director of the Drake Ag Law Center says that's why the created "SALT" or the Sustainable Agricultural Land St


Iowa won't give up caucuses’ leadoff role

Other states are once again racing to move up their election primaries to compete with Iowa to be first. Dennis Goldford, Drake political science professor, said national parties have little control over state parties. Efforts to sanction state parties by reducing the number of delegates they can send to the national convention have had limited success, he said.


Valley students make a difference in urban communities

Drake alumnus Michael Strong joined Teach for America Corps after graduating from Drake University in 2009 with a degree in biology. Although Teach for America is a two-year program, Strong is considering an admittance deferral to stay in the classroom a third year. He is currently applying to medical school.


Art conservator to demonstrate X-ray gadget

A preview of the March 3 guest lecture by Erich Uffelman, who teaches chemistry at Virginia's Washington and Lee University. Uffelman to discuss the new gadgets conservators use to study centuries-old paintings. He'll bring one of the portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers he uses to detect hidden layers in works by the Dutch Masters, his specialty.