While a student at Drake University, Faizan Syed would be asked by professors and students about Islam but was not always comfortable acting as the voice of authority. Ultimately, it led to his current position as executive director of the St. Louis chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Category: DU in the News
The myth of closure
A new book by Nancy Berns, Drake associate professor of sociology, argues that this popular concept doesn't exist "” and that chasing it might hurt us.
Record access still iffy in Iowa
Kathleen Richardson, executive secretary of the Iowa Freedom of Information Council -- a nonprofit organization at Drake University in Des Moines that promotes open government -- said laws on open meetings and public records are not consistently enforced statewide.
Here to there and back again: Area superintendent returns to Iowa after living abroad
Drake alumnus Steve Hanson may be Iowa-born and raised, but it was his time in South America that helped give him a fresh appreciation of the diversity of his new hometown in West Liberty. Hanson, who became superintendent of the West Liberty Community School District in April, lived in Brazil for 15 years.
What is closure?
Nancy Berns, associate professor of sociology, talks with Wisconsin Public Radio about her new book, "Closure: The Rush to End Grief and What It Costs Us."
Pharmacist puts his all into serving customers on a personal level
Drake alumnus Wade Siefert is owner of Preckshot Pharmacy in Peoria Heights, Ill., where customers are served with prescription compounds prepared especially for their needs.
Faces: Q&A with Jorge Guzman, chef at Solera in Minneapolis
Drake alumnus Jorge Guzman, a former football player and journalism major turned Minneapolis chef, answers questions.
Teaching Magazine Journalism Beyond the Magazine
Jeff Inman, associate professor of journalism, is quoted in an article about strong magazine programs that have developed innovative courses and assignments to challenge students to think beyond the printed page.
Hess announces candidacy for Statehouse
Drake alumna Megan Hess recently announced her intention to seek the Republican nomination for the newly formed Iowa District 2 House Seat.
Law School Concentrations and Experiential Training
Drake University is listed in the specialty sections for criminal law, public interest and human rights.