A radio segment featuring a choir of African refugees that was started by Drake actuarial science student Vincent Niyokwizera. The choir performed on campus on Monday.
Category: DU in the News
Dallas-Based Ford & Harrison Attorney Matthew R. Scott Selected to “Texas Super Lawyers” 2011 List
Matthew R. Scott, a partner in the firm's Dallas office, has been selected for inclusion in the 2011 list of "Texas Super Lawyers" by Law & Politics Magazine. Attorneys are selected for this honor through a statewide nomination process, peer review by practice area and independent research on candidates.
Get to Know: Emilee Richardson, 24
The recent Drake alumna was recently hired to help manage the Science Center of Iowa's marketing, advertising, communications, events and public/ media relations efforts.
Airport detainee says she was a victim of racial profiling
David McCord and Bob Rigg, Drake University law school professors, address the dilemma of security vs. liberty, which puts two of the nation's most prized assets in conflict.
Grant helps fund study on muscles
A $414,000 grant awarded to Dr. Kim Huey, associate professor of physiology at Drake University will help fund a study on muscle growth that may ultimately benefit our aging population and people with muscle weakness.
Drake flash mob surprises diners with a little “Joy”
A flash mob of Drake music students entertained the Monday lunchtime crowd at Mars Café in Des Moines with a surprise performance of the "Ode to Joy" chorus from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
What Robert Reich’s talk at Drake means for entrepreneurs (Video)
Reich used President Obama's address as a launching point for his own talk, which also borrowed heavily from ideas explored in Reich's most recent book, "Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future."
American Economic Decline? Exaggerated
Thomas Root, associate professor in finance at Drake University, discusses the position of the U.S. in the global economy. "The largest change over the last 10 to 15 years has been the growth of emerging markets," he says. "The BRIC countries capture the headlines, but many smaller countries, like some in South America and Asia, are having an increase in production."
Fall Prevention at Four Mile
Students in the Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences working under preceptor Dr. Nora Stelter administered screenings for the Polk County Health Department and Polk County Senior Services "Fall" Prevention Day.
Get to Know: Mandi McReynolds
Drake's new Service Learning Coordinator, Mandi McReynolds, is featured in a Q&A as a young professional invested in tomorrow's leaders.