A story about the strategy for the distinctlyDrake campaign positions the University as a potential thought leader. "Despite rejecting almost all of the conventional practices of a modern comprehensive fund-raising campaign, the university is in relatively good position."
Category: DU in the News
Health professional profile: Dr. Steven Faux
Dr. Steven Faux, associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at Drake University, says a neuroscience degree is an interdisciplinary one with applications to many areas, including biology, psychology, pharmacy, philosophy and linguistics. Learn more about neuroscience at the Life After Drake Speaker Series.
Iowa’s Recycling Winners
Jonathan Rosenbloom, Drake University assistant professor of law and Blue is Green committee member, talks about Drake's recycling program and the importance of sustainability initiatives.
New Drake University program helps grow community-based food systems
The Drake University Center for Professional Studies is offering a new program to teach local leaders how to develop and maintain effective community-based food systems. The program is five weekend sessions spaced between Dec. 9 and Feb. 24. Attendees are encouraged to enroll for the entire program but have the option to attend selected weekend sessions.
PBS Nightly Business Report
President Maxwell and Trustee Larry Zimpleman appear in a segment on Des Moines' economic growth. (Begins at about 7:20 of the program.)
Personalized Medicine on The Exchange
Pramod Mahajan, associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences, talks with Iowa Public Radio host Ben Kieffer about personalized medicine technology that allows doctors to use the right medicines for the right patients at the right time "” and the ethical and cost considerations of unlocking the secrets that lie in our DNA.
Bill Kelly: Split-second decisions
Drake Law alumnus and Des Moines attorney Bill Kelly calls his one-year deployment to Afghanistan "the most complex legal problem" he has ever handled.
Law Students Face Higher Consequences Online
An applicant's online persona may have a greater impact on law school chances than in other disciplines. Caroline Bettis, a third-year law student at Drake, says that while she doesn't blame prospective students for being wary about admissions officials checking social media profiles, "it's not practical to say admissions counselors should divide your online personality from who you are in real life."
Iowa’s strength in financial services
The Nightly Business Report on PBS covers Iowa's economy, including a brief interview with Drake University President David Maxwell. (Segment starts at 7:20)
Young leaders have stepped up in Dawson, “giving back” to the west central Iowa town
Dawson, Iowa Mayor Colton Morman, a 20-year-old sophomore at Drake University, has decided not to seek re-election because his government duties are crowding his study time. When he was first elected, the 18-year-old high school student made international news.