Students continue interviews with top employers

Drake connects its students to working professionals; it’s an element of the Power of Community in the Drake Commitment.

For example, every spring sophomore and transfer business students in the Business 002 class participate in mock interviews with working professionals from leading employers. Even with the pandemic, the interviews moved forward in spring 2020. Thirty-six professionals from 21 companies conducted 172 half-hour interviews with Drake students.

To adjust to the new situation, Drake University Career Services Manager Annette Watson, who teaches Business 002, switched the mock interviews from in-person to over the phone.

“A majority of the employer representatives were working remotely by that point,” said Watson. “Many were juggling a new work environment, but they made time to help our students. It shows the outstanding community partners we have who are committed to our student development.”

Prior to the mock interviews, students learn how to prepare for and create a positive impression in an interview. In this case, extra time was devoted to helping students prepare to make the right kind of impression over the phone. After each interview, the employers provide the student with feedback and helpful advice for how to improve.

In addition to arranging mock interviews, Watson’s Business 002 class helps students build career readiness through uncovering self-awareness of interests, setting professional goals, and identifying their marketable skills.

“The goal is to give the student as close to a real-world experience as possible,” Watson said.