Three Drake CPHS Students are recipients of NASA Iowa Space Grant Consortium (ISGC) awards for the 2018-19 academic year. Katie Vollmer (P2) and McKenzie Temperly (HSCI Junior), have been selected as undergraduate research fellowship awardees. Caroline Jones (P1) was awarded a NASA Merit Undergraduate Scholarship.
“I feel incredibly fortunate and excited for this opportunity!” Katie Vollmer said. “I will take advantage of this opportunity and the opportunities that arise from this fellowship. My goals align with NASA’s STEM mission to advance science and to discover things that no one could imagine.”
The ISGC strives to improve Iowa’s future in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education. It supports aerospace research, education, and outreach activities for all Iowans through five program categories: internships, fellowships, scholarships; higher education; research infrastructure; precollege; and informal education.
The ISGC carries out its goals with the help of six universities across the state of Iowa, including Drake University, Iowa State University, University of Iowa, and the University of Northern Iowa, as well as a number of private industry, educational and government organizations, and science museums.