Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (CPHS) held its annual Health Professions Day on February 20, 2025. The event is organized by a student-led committee and engages members of the College in a series of activities that foster professional development. In addition, several awards were presented to students, faculty, staff, and experiential educators. CPHS would like to congratulate these individuals on their achievements and thank them for their dedication to their professions. 

table with awards

Student Awards

CPHS Dean Dr. Erik Maki announced the recipients of several prestigious student awards. 

Areigna Ralston, a junior health sciences student, received the Outstanding Health Sciences Student Award. The award was presented by Dr. Stacy Gnacinski, Health Sciences Department Chair and Associate Professor of Health Sciences. Recipients of this award have excelled in their coursework and have been active in University and College professional organizations and activities.  

Addie Cunningham, a junior health sciences student, received the Health Sciences Student Leadership Award. The award was presented by Dr. Stacy Gnacinski, Health Sciences Department Chair and Associate Professor of Health Sciences. This award recognizes a health sciences student who has shown leadership in their curricular and co-curricular activities. 

Madi Adams, a first-year Master of Athletic Training student, was presented with the Athletic Training Emerging Clinician Award. The award was presented by Dr. Richelle Williams, AT Program Director and Assistant Professor of Athletic Training. Recipients of this award demonstrate the qualities necessary to thrive in the practice of athletic training. 

Lauren Osborn, a second-year occupational therapy doctoral student, received the Occupational Therapy Scholastic Achievement Award. The award was presented by Dr. Leslie Jackson, Occupational Therapy Department Chair/Program Director and Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy. Recipients of this award have excelled in their coursework, performing in the top 25% of their class. 

Cole Brockman, second-year occupational therapy doctoral student, was awarded the Occupational Therapy Leadership and Professional Development Award. The award was presented by Dr. Leslie Jackson, Occupational Therapy Department Chair/Program Director and Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy. Recipients of this award demonstrate the drive to advance the profession of occupational therapy through leadership opportunities, publications, or involvement in professional presentations. 

Brooklyn Lowry, a senior health sciences student, received the Diversity Catalyst Award. This award honors a student who has shown exemplary leadership, advocacy, and dedication to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) on campus.  

Ana Kirillov, fourth-year pharmacy student, received the Nita Pandit Student Research Award. This award recognizes a student who is involved in hands-on research with a CPHS faculty member. 

Armin Dogic and Abbygail Weiler, third-year pharmacy students, received the C. Boyd Granberg Student Excellence Award. This alumni-funded award was named for C. Boyd Granberg, former CPHS faculty member and Dean from 1977-1984. In honor of the award’s namesake, this honor recognizes rising fourth-year student pharmacists who have demonstrated leadership in advancing the profession and have had significant involvement in professional organizations.  

Madelynn Aeilts, third-year pharmacy student, received the Richard Morrow Transformational Student Leadership Award. This alumni-funded award honors Richard Morrow, GR’83, who served as a faculty member from 1972-2010. The award recognizes a student whose transformative work goes above and beyond.  

Faculty and Staff Awards

Several awards were presented to faculty and staff members who demonstrated outstanding teaching, mentorship, scholarship, and professional involvement over the past year within their fields. Nominations for the awards are sought from students and colleagues alike from within the college. 

CPHS Dean Dr. Erik Maki announced the recipients of the following distinguished awards: 

Shelby Nelson, Manager of Office & External Relations, received the Outstanding Staff Member of the Year Award. This award was created to recognize the work of one individual who has gone above and beyond in their work to help the College fulfill its goals and mission. 

Sydni Jennings, Director of Student Affairs, received the Diversity Catalyst Award. This award celebrates a staff member who has demonstrated outstanding commitment, leadership, and innovation in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the campus environment. 

Anisa Hansen, Professor of Pharmacy Practice, received the Diversity Catalyst Award. This award recognizes faculty members who have demonstrated exceptional commitment, innovation, and leadership in fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the campus community. 

The College’s Student Governance Association announced the following teaching and mentoring awards:  

Wendy Mobley-Bukstein, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, was named Mentor of the Year.  

Darla Eastman, Professor of Pharmacy Practice, was named Faculty Preceptor of the Year.  

Jamie Rognes, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy, was named CPHS Teacher of the Year. 

Mark Vitha, Windsor Professor of Chemistry, was named Non-CPHS Teacher of the Year. 

Experiential Awards

Experiential educators were recognized for their outstanding teaching and mentorship to students at their practice sites. Nominations for the awards are sought from students within the college. 

Dr. Eliza Dy-Boarman, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs, presented the following experiential education awards: 

Athletic Training 

Aubrey Roland and Kylea Sheley received the Preceptor of the Year Award in recognition of outstanding contribution to athletic training education. 


Colby Dunn received the APPE Preceptor of the Year Award in recognition of outstanding contribution to pharmacy education.  

Jennifer Alexander received the IPPE Preceptor of the Year Award in recognition of outstanding contribution to pharmacy education. 

Occupational Therapy 

Rachel Harada received the Fieldwork Educator of the Year Award in recognition of outstanding contribution to occupational therapy education. 

Chuck Klingsick received the Doctoral Capstone Mentor of the Year Award in recognition of outstanding contribution to occupational therapy education. 

Health Sciences 

Jeanne Burmeister received the Senior Internship Preceptor of the Year Award in recognition of outstanding contribution to health sciences education.