Drake University announced today that Iowa State Representative and former U.S. Congressman David Young will serve as the inaugural Practitioner in Residence at the Ron and Jane Olson Institute for Public Democracy. The program, which was previously unveiled in February 2024, is made possible by a generous $1 million gift from Patty and Jim Cownie.  

Iowa State Representative and former U.S. Congressman David Young

In his role as the Patty and Jim Cownie Practitioner in Residence, Young will be responsible for furthering the mission and programming of The Ron and Jane Olson Institute for Public Democracy. He will also focus on developing a proseminar, working with the Olson Institute for Public Democracy Scholars, developing a student travel experience, and supporting the Civic Leadership Academy in association with The Robert D. and Billie Ray Center. 

“David Young is a principled and experienced public servant who is ideally suited to serve as the inaugural Practitioner in Residence,” said Rachel Paine Caufield, co-executive director of The Ron and Jane Olson Institute for Public Democracy and professor of political science. “His positive attitude, pragmatic mindset, and sincere appreciation for the hard work of governance will serve our students well.”   

“I can’t wait to see what we accomplish as we leverage the expertise of Representative Young to advance the Olson Institute for Public Democracy,” said Scott Raecker, co-executive director of The Ron and Jane Olson Center for Public Democracy and executive director of the Robert D. and Billie Ray Center. “Both institutions are working to transform lives and strengthen communities through focused programming and community engagement initiatives. We are able to pursue our missions with renewed energy thanks to the Cownies and David Young.” 

About David Young 
Young currently serves as a member of the Iowa House of Representatives from the 28th District and previously served as the U.S. Representative for Iowa’s 3rd congressional district from 2015 to 2019. Young also taught a Fall 2023 First Year Seminar at Drake titled, “The Obligatory Citizen.”   

“I’m thankful for this opportunity and excited to be a part of the Olson Institute for Public Democracy here at my alma mater. Ron and Jane Olson’s leadership and vision, along with the support of so many others, to this compelling and needed endeavor will be lasting and consequential,” said Young. “My goal is not to just help educate students and program participants, but to also empower and inspire them to indulge in the democratic process in a meaningful and impactful way. I am especially grateful to Patty and Jim Cownie for their significant gift by endowing the Practitioner in Residence position. The Cownies’ history of civic-mindedness, community support, and charitable giving comes from their hearts and love for others, our state, and country.”  

About the Ron and Jane Olson Institute for Public Democracy 
The Ron and Jane Olson Institute for Public Democracy serves as a hub for democratic discourse, dialogue, research, and action to support a healthy democracy. The Institute combines coursework, innovative programming, research, and hands-on learning opportunities for students, including Public Democracy Scholars, to engage in the political process. The Public Democracy Scholars program recruits five students per year, with the goal of having 20 scholars overall. Scholars will be selected for their academic excellence, civic leadership qualities, and passion for the role of democracy in bettering their communities. Scholars will receive a $5,000 scholarship each year.  

Learn more about the Ron and Jane Olson Institute for Public Democracy.