Michael Comito

Drake Law third-year student Michael Comito spent the summer in Washington, D.C. as an intern with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). He worked in the Office of the Chief Counsel for the Corporate Division. The Corporate Division provides legal advice and litigation support on tax matters primarily involving subchapter C (corporate distributions and adjustments) issues. We asked Michael to tell us more about his experience.

How did you learn about this internship and what appealed to you about the opportunity?

An internship with the Internal Revenue Service fascinated me because it allowed me to build upon my knowledge of federal tax law while providing me with a new perspective on the function of our tax system. Drake Law’s Career Development Office (CDO) directed me the job posting due to my interest in tax law. Furthermore, throughout the very competitive interview process, the CDO provided indispensable advice on how best to portray my qualifications.

How did Drake Law prepare you to serve in this role?

My role at the IRS required a great deal of communication between myself and other attorneys within the division to discuss the intricate facets of problems presented. Engaging and discussing material with my professors outside of the classroom provided the necessary practice to analyze and discuss complicated issues with co-workers at the IRS. My Federal Income Tax course with Professor Natalie Lynner helped me build the necessary base knowledge in tax law that I utilized daily in my internship. Also, the job required a large amount of legal research and writing, skills which I had a chance to develop and hone in my 1L Legal Writing and Research courses, and through my participation in Drake Law Review, one of the 30 most cited legal periodicals in the country.

What was your favorite experience?

My favorite experience was meeting with the IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel with a group of interns from other divisions. We discussed a multitude of different matters with the one person who presides over the nation’s tax system.

Is there anything else you want to share about your experience so far this summer?

This experience allowed me to solidify my interest in practicing tax law in the future while building noteworthy connections that I can leverage in my future endeavors.

What did you do in your free time?

I visited a lot of different historical sites and museums in in and around D.C. I also spent a large amount of time with my cat, Claude.