Clark Butler will finish a successful experience at Drake Law School this spring. At Drake, Clark has served as an Integrated Study Group Fellow, Law Student Ambassador, and Diversity Representative on the Student Bar Association. Clark attended Dakota Wesleyan University in South Dakota as an undergraduate and was accepted to Drake Law as a Cady Fellow. The Cady Fellow program offered Clark leadership training and work opportunities that led to an offer for a full-time position from Whitfield & Eddy law firm. Clark is looking forward to starting a new life and career in a city that has become home.
We sat down with Clark to learn more about his law school journey:
What influenced your decision to go to law school?
I have always had an affinity for helping those in need, whether it be people who struggle in their everyday lives, or those who are naturally a more vulnerable population in our society. In college, I had the opportunity to work in settings in which I was able to assist the elderly, which is where my desire to work with children and families going through issues arose. My compassion for the elderly made me want to find ways to help people, families and susceptible populations in the most important way possible. I decided that law was the best avenue to pursue these goals. My parents – who were both in law enforcement – also encouraged me to explore this field.
Why did you choose Drake Law?
I chose Drake Law for more reasons than I can name. Mainly, I was attracted to Drake because of its location in Iowa’s capital city, along with the wide variety of opportunities that it provided in the job market. In addition, I knew that Drake offered an unmatched legal clinic. Most of all, the scholarship assistance I received through the Crookham Family Scholarship made my decision a lot easier. Throughout the last three years, the scholarship sponsored by Joe (LW’68) and Jeanie Crookham has made my experience at Drake more wonderful than I could have imagined. With their assistance, I am able to focus solely on my school and internships, without having to worry too much about the financial aspects of graduate school.
How has your experience been going to law school in Des Moines?
Even though Des Moines is far away from California, there are many aspects of the city that remind me of home. I love that I can spend time downtown and feel like I am engulfed in the city, and in just 15 minutes, I can be well outside of the city, enjoying the quieter surrounding areas that suburban Des Moines has to offer. I quickly fell in love with Des Moines’ constant activities, unique downtown vibe and hometown feel. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else, and I cannot wait to start my career in a city I love.
Tell us about your involvement in the Cady Fellow program.
Being a Cady Fellow has been one of the best experiences I could have asked for. The summer after my 1L year, I was able to intern both for Wells Fargo and Whitfield & Eddy law firm. The experiences gave me a great understanding of how it would be to work in-house and in a law firm. During both internships I was able to interact with so many different professionals and got the opportunity to ask questions and learn about a variety of topics. After my 1L summer finished, I was asked to come back to work with Whitfield & Eddy during the 2L school year and subsequent summer. Ultimately, this second year of work with Whitfield led to a job offer, which was one of the happiest moments in my life thus far. Without the Cady Fellow Program, I would not be in the position I am today, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to have participated in such a great program.
How has Drake Law prepared you for success in your career?
Between skills courses, internships and classroom learning, I feel that I will be as prepared to start practicing law as anyone in the country by the time I graduate. It is amazing how I have been able to learn so much in just three years at Drake Law. The professors at Drake have allowed me to grasp so many topics at a higher level than I could have expected. My preparedness is mostly attributable to my professors who have been willing to take time out of their days after class to sit down with me and explain concepts, assist with papers and guide me through difficult portions of class. Without their guidance and support, I would not be where I am at today.
Learn more about the Cady Law Opportunity Fellow Program.