News students cover political rally
Students in Public Affairs Reporting covered the Polk County Democrats’ steak fry Saturday afternoon. With their press credentials, they had access to the press tables, sitting alongside reporters and video/photographers from the AP, Iowa Public Radio, Radio Iowa, WHO-TV and the Des Moines Register. Elise Bauernfeind live-blogged the event on Drake Digital News. Also there was James Pindell, a Drake JMC grad who now covers politics for the Boston Globe. He covered the appearance at the steak fry of U.S. Rep. Seth Moulton of Massachusetts, amid speculation that Moulton has presidential aspirations.
HuffPost coming to Drake on Oct. 9
HuffPost is bringing its national Listen to America “civility-seeking” tour to Drake on Monday, Oct. 9, 7 p.m. in Sussman Theater of Olmsted Center. The website is hosting a community forum on “Hear Our Voices: Equity in Income, Wealth, Health, Housing, Education, Environment and Justice.” Learn more and RSVP for the event here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/full-schedule-for-listen-to-america_us_59a81b47e4b0a8d14573a953
DU AdVantage meets every Tuesday night
DU AdVantage meets every Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Meredith 235. The organization is open any student interested in advertising, marketing, design, social media and media planning.
Forum set on revised Drake Curriculum
Student Senate is hosting a forum on proposed revisions to the general education curriculum. The forum will be held Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 7 p.m. at Pomerantz Stage of Olmsted Center (note location change). Contact SJMC senator Jake Bullington (jacob.bullington@drake.edu) if you have any questions.
Magazine Center hosting internship panel
Join the E.T. Meredith Center for Magazine Studies on Wednesday, Oct. 4, at 7 p.m. in Meredith Hall, Room 124B, to hear from Drake journalism students who had prestigious summer internships. Meet students who worked at Better Homes and Gardens, The Knot, Cityview Magazine, and more.
Learn more about writing for the Times-Delphic
Writing for the Times-Delphic but can’t put any faces to the names in those emails? Interested in writing for Drake’s only weekly publication? Do you like pizza? Then come to Meredith 234 on Thursday, Oct. 5 at 8 p.m. for a Writers Meeting. You’ll get to meet the staff, other writers and enjoy some free pizza. Check-out more on Facebook.
Peer editing offered at Magazine Center
Senior SJMC students are offering to look through fellow students’ class assignments and article drafts to provide constructive feedback prior to submission. The peer editing sessions are offered Tuesday and Thursday, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in the E.T. Meredith Center for Magazine Studies (Mer. 111).
Leadership program looking for marketing help
The LEAD concentration is seeking student help with its marketing and communication efforts. Students can earn LEAD independent study credit while building the program’s marketing and communication plan and collateral.
Participants in this project have the opportunity to critically examine the marketing and communication needs for a robust and dynamic academic program. Tasks include audience identification, development of custom messaging for each audience, creation of collateral material (brochures, websites, videos, etc.), and development of communication policies and procedures. LEAD need students with all sorts of skills, including campaign design, project management, writing, interviewing, graphic design, and digital media production. LEAD program experience is helpful, but not necessary.
Interested students may contact visiting professor Chad Cardani-Trollinger at chad.cardani-trollinger@drake.edu.
Get ready for . . . Election 2018!
The Concord Coalition brings its interactive, educational, multi-generational exercise on the United States’ national priorities to Drake on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 7-9 p.m. in Olmsted Center. Students, staff, faculty and the public are invited to discover how challenging it is to balance the federal budget and why it matters.
Have a news item for the Memo?
The SJMC Monday Memo is a weekly newsletter to keep members of the wider SJMC community updated on School news, achievements, events and opportunities. If you have an item for the Memo, please send it to Dean Kathleen Richardson (kathleen.richardson@drake.edu) or SJMC webmaster and multimedia professor Chris Snider (christopher.snider@drake.edu). SJMC alums and other professionals can also contact Chris to have the Memo delivered via weekly email.
The School of Journalism and Mass Communication strives to create a community of scholars that represents the complexity of the human experience in regards to race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, economic status, gender identification, religion, age and physical abilities. We are committed to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all our faculty, staff, students and visitors, and celebrating our differences through the lens of the First Amendment value of freedom of expression.