Peter Levi, assistant professor of environmental science and policy, will channel his deep knowledge of streams, rivers, and reservoirs into a family-friendly presentation at the Science Center of Iowa.
Levi will present “Nitrogen: Streams, Society & Statewide Impact” at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1, as part of the Science Center of Iowa’s Cafe Scientifique series. Levi will discuss nitrogen’s complex history from its natural roots, to its role as a catalyst for technological advancements and food innovations. But he’ll also discuss nitrogen’s dark side—the same properties that make nitrogen a necessity for human life can, in excess, be harmful to aquatic ecosystems.
Cafe Scientifique is a free science-based program for adults and young adults. Delivered on the second Tuesday of every month, each presentation begins with an introduction and background of the topic by the featured presenter and concludes with an open forum for questions and discussion. The Science Center of Iowa is located at 401 W. Martin Luther King Jr., Pkwy.
About Peter Levi:
Peter Levi is an assistant professor in environmental science and policy at Drake University. His research investigates patterns and processes in freshwater ecosystems, combining physical, chemical and biological measurements to understand the connections between the components of these dynamic ecosystems. His current projects seek to elucidate the controls on water quality parameters, such as suspended sediment and dissolved nutrients, in Iowa streams, rivers, and wetlands. In his previous research, he has assessed restored urban streams in Milwaukee, Wisc., studied the linkage between microbial diversity and nutrient uptake in macrophyte-rich streams in Denmark, and investigated the effect of annual salmon migrations and watershed timber harvest on streams in Southeast Alaska.