Education is something that the federal and state governments have been focusing on the past few years. Specialists in education are educating policymakers in an attempt to improve the educational opportunities of American children.
On February 3, 2015, Dr. Kathleen Lane, PhD, BCBA-D was invited to bring her knowledge to Drake University. Dr. Lane’s specialty focuses on school-based interventions for at risk students. She spoke about students who have behavioral or emotional disorders that interfere with their learning abilities. Dr. Lane focused on how to screen or detect students with behavioral challenges. Students, who have problems in academics, many times do not even know they have disorders or have not been diagnosed. Recognizing the signs for children could mean a change in the way they learn.
Over 100 educators from all over Iowa attended this event. This event was sponsored by the James McMahon Institute, Dr. Michael Couvillion, and Dr. Laura Kiernan, from the Special Education Department in the School of Education.
Dr. Lane’s background consists of being a classroom teacher, providing services to schools in Southern California. She went on to research students who were at risk, concentrating on emotional and behavioral disorders. She has been awarded grants for her research and has co-authored five books.
Dr. Lane’s background courtesy of University of Kansas website: http://specialedu.soe.ku.edu/kathleen-lane