Home School of Education ZERO TO THREE DVD Premiere to be held at Drake

ZERO TO THREE DVD Premiere to be held at Drake

School of Education collaborates with ZERO TO THREE® to host DVD premiere and panel discussion. ZERO TO THREE is a national, nonprofit organization focused on improving the health and development of infants and toddlers. The DVD premiere and panel discussion will demonstrate how Safe Babies Court Teams bring new hope to foster babies and young children. Every seven minutes a baby or toddler in America is removed from his or her parents’ care because of alleged abuse or neglect. Safe Babies Court Teams are transforming the way communities approach the needs of babies and toddlers in the foster care system. A new DVD series premieres this innovative program and demonstrates a “how-to” approach for interested communities.

You can learn more by attending the DVD premiere on Monday, March 12, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Drake University, Olmsted, Parents Hall.

Learn more about ZERO TO THREE at their website.