This requires:
- Modernizing the existing classrooms to include the latest technology.
- Adding smaller classrooms that can be reconfigured in multiple ways so students can engage in simulations and small group projects. Active learning exercises such as these have been proven to foster greater retention of subject matter, as well as the ability to continue learning and meeting new challenges long after graduation.
- Enhancing student activity spaces, which would encourage student interaction, and designing the spaces so that they reflect the rich diversity of student organizations.
- Building faculty offices sufficient in quantity and size to facilitate the collegial interaction among students and faculty for which we are known.
The expansion and renovation of Cartwright Hall is essential to ensuring that Drake Law School continues to meet and exceed the evolving expectations of our students, faculty and the legal community. We invite you to join us in fulfilling our vision of legal education by giving to distinctlyDrake and the Cartwright Hall project.
To make a gift online, visit the Drake Law School website and click on “Ways to Give.”