Home Official News Releases Drake to dedicate historic Harvey Ingham Hall following modernizing remodel

Drake to dedicate historic Harvey Ingham Hall following modernizing remodel

Thanks to the generous support of Drake University donors, the fixed 1950s-era desks of Harvey Ingham Hall room 104 have been replaced. Students now learn with state-of-the-art technology in a renovated space that both honors the midcentury design and complements today’s teaching style.

The modernization of Harvey Ingham 104 was first visualized as a component of Drake’s 2004-05 Master Plan for science facilities, but implementation required a collective effort to garner financial support for this $966,104 project. It all started because one alumnus expressed a desire to contribute.

Soon after a trip back to campus, Drake Trustee Dr. Bill Smith, AS’70, initiated fundraising necessary for the project in an effort to see the room where once he sat for freshman biology and first year inorganic chemistry updated for today’s students.

“Dr. Smith’s commitment and challenge resulted in a fundraising effort that truly represented the University’s common goal to enhance science education at Drake,” said Raylene M. Rospond, dean of Drake’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Support for the sciences, she added, is welcomed regardless of which college or program from which an alumnus graduated.

Donors contributed a total of $436,000 toward the project. Those that joined Dr. Smith in this generous endeavor included:  

Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust

Carl Jakopec, PH’69

Rene Beckham and John Shufeldt, MD, LA”˜82

Annette, FA’85 and Patrick Verdun, PH”˜83

Ellen and Craig A. Mandel, BN’66

“I was really happy that other people stepped up and contributed also,” Dr. Smith said, adding that he was surprised how quickly after he expressed his interest in contributing to the project that donors were assembled.

The renovation of Harvey Ingham 104 will provide an exceptional learning environment for hundreds of students from the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and the College of Arts and Sciences each semester, as well as students from Drake’s other undergraduate schools who enroll in general education courses which meet in the hall.

Drake faculty embrace inquiry-based learning and undergraduate research. The renovation of Harvey Ingham will enable them to expand their use of best practices in science education.

“The renovation allowed us to bring a space that was initially built and designed for teaching in the 1950s to teaching as it exists in the 21st century, while at the same time preserving a heritage space,” said Joe Lenz, dean of Drake’s College of Arts and Sciences. “Most importantly, Harvey Ingham 104 is now a model for flexible space. It can still accommodate a large lecture, but new, targeted lighting allows the room to be utilized for small group activities within the larger space.”

Harvey Ingham Hall was originally completed in 1949 as part of a master plan for Drake’s campus designed by the famous architectural firm of Eliel and Eero Saarinen.

Distinctive for its modern, industrial-inspired design when built, the building has served the biology, chemistry, pharmacy and physics programs for roughly 60 years.

This renovation served as an initial project in the University’s plan to renovate and add science facilities. Other improvements to room 104 included:

* Raising the front of the lecture hall to create new handicapped accessibility

* Leveling existing risers to create platforms on which rows of tables replace the original desks and wooden writing tablets. These tables are equipped with electrical outlets that allow students to utilize laptops to enhance their learning.

* Bringing in independent chairs that can be arranged for various activities and group work

* Installing a new screen with a fully accessible white board beneath

* Placing white boards on the side walls for student small group work

* Creating three aisles to facilitate the instructor’s movement in

the hall and enhance faculty interaction with student groups

* Carpeting the entire auditorium to help with acoustics

* Establishing a new preparation area outside the instructor’s area at

the front of the auditorium, which will also serve as a testing area

for students with disabilities who require special accommodations

* Installing new variable lighting to enhance learning and to enable the instructor to modify the room configuration for use with small classes

* Enhancing audiovisual capability for lecture capture and podcasting

Harvey Ingham Hall room dedication

Join donors, faculty and staff in celebrating the commitment of donors toward renovating this iconic, heavily utilized space.

Where: Harvey Ingham Hall, Room 104, 2804 Forest Ave.

When: 4 p.m. Friday, April 29

Info: Diane Caldbeck, associate vice president for alumni and development and campaign director, 515-271-3153, diane.caldbeck@drake.edu