Drake will host the festival, which is open to the public, and will feature three United States Chess Federation-rated tournaments. Competition winners will receive prizes and trophies.
Tournaments, which will begin at 9:30 a.m. and run all day in Parents Hall in Olmsted Center, 2875 University Ave., will be:
- Iowa State Chess Association mini-qualifier (advanced players)
- Reserve tournament (advanced players)
- Rated Beginner Open tournament (novice players)
The cost for the ISCA and reserve tournament is $20 before Feb. 25 or $30 at the door.
The RBO competition is $15 at the door and a discounted price of $10 is available for participants who pre-register through Drake’s Student Life Center in the Olmsted Center.
Participants are able to register for all tournaments starting at 8:30 a.m. on Feb. 27.
The event is sponsored by Drake Minds Sports Organization, formerly the Drake Chess Club, and Iowa State Chess Association.
For more information, contact Yee Ping Voon at 515-664-0094 or yeeping.voon@drake.edu.