![]() Peter K. Yu |
Last month, Drake Law School’s Peter Yu, the Kern family chair in intellectual property law and founding director of the Intellectual Property Law Center, delivered a seminar on his upcoming Crossover Point Project at the National University of Singapore, a leading university in Asia.
During his three-day visit, Yu met with faculty members from the business, law and public policy schools. The visit facilitated an exchange of research and teaching experience and further explored the collaborative potential between the Drake’s IP Law Center and various schools and departments at the National University of Singapore.
A week later, Yu participated in a workshop on the protection of reputation and brands in the Faculty of Law at the University of Melbourne in Australia.
Yu made a presentation on his forthcoming book chapter on personality rights in Hong Kong. He also presented a paper in the inaugural Pacific Rim Innovation Conference, a multidisciplinary conference that brought together scholars working on the economics, management and law of innovation.
While in Australia, Yu helped launch the Asia Pacific Innovation Network, a new cross-disciplinary network with institutional partners from the Asia Pacific region. Yu will return to Melbourne to serve as a keynote speaker for a November conference organized by the Centre for Media and Communications Law at the University of Melbourne Law School.
Yu also recently traveled to Kyushu University in Fukuoka City, Japan, to present a paper on “Intellectual Property Protection and the Crossover Point.” He met with the university’s graduate law faculty and students to discuss their latest research in the intellectual property area as well as greater collaboration between the Drake IP Law Center and Kyushu University Graduate School of Law.
Through the collaboration with Edward Elgar Publishing, Yu has launched a new book series on intellectual property and global development. The first book in the series, “Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development: Development Agendas in a Changing World,” was published earlier this year.
Edited by Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz and Pedro Roffe of the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development in Geneva, Switzerland, the book included a chapter by Yu on intellectual property reforms in China.
In addition, last year in December 2009, Yu traveled to Tunisia to participate in the World Intellectual Property Organization of the United Nations Regional Seminar on the Implementation of the Development Agenda.
He delivered presentations on issues lying at the intersection of intellectual property and development, sharing his expertise and perspectives with top intellectual property officials in the Arab region.
He serves as the founding general editor of the new WIPO Journal, which launched in fall 2009 by WIPO and Sweet & Maxwell.
The journal’s inaugural issue included 14 commissioned articles on cutting-edge topics by leading intellectual property scholars from around the world.