“A Warm Fuzzy Day,” written by Moore, a third-year law student from Salisbury, N.C., is an inspirational children’s story designed for young readers up to 6 years old.
“Whether it is reading a book, listening to music, eating ice cream, or just running outside, ‘A Warm Fuzzy Day’ encourages children to find whatever it is that makes them smile and incorporate it into their daily routines instead of feeling discouraged,” she said.
Moore found the idea for her story through teaching and volunteering with students at elementary and middle school levels. She was especially struck by the stress her students in middle school were feeling in their lives.
“I figured if my sixth grade students were going through stress, then my elementary school students had to be too, even if they didn’t know what to call it,” Moore said.

the book in 2005 as a graduate student at North Carolina Central
University. She set the project down when she came to Drake Law School
in 2007, but then resumed her work, submitting her manuscript to Haci
Publishing in early 2008.
The book, which is illustrated by Moore’s cousin Tukithia Ellis, was
made available for purchase through several online vendors, including
Amazon, in July 2009.
Moore, who holds both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English
from North Carolina Central University, is pursuing a law degree with
the hopes of starting a publishing company. She hopes to practice
health law.
“My writing and law degree will definitely overlap,” she said. “I am
always interested in reading and writing about issues concerning women
both in and out of the United States and in providing legal assistance
to women.”
Moore is working on a collection of feminist poetry, and also plans to continue writing books for children.