MEDIA CONTACT: Tracy Bainter,
515-271-2183, tracy.bainter@drake.edu
Three outstanding educators will
be honored during the Believers and Achievers Banquet, the Drake University
School of Education’s annual Alumni Awards and Senior Recognition Dinner, on
Tuesday, Feb. 24.
The event will also honor members
of the school’s graduating class of 2009. The students will be recognized and
Rhodes Scholar and former basketball standout Lindsey Whorton, a 2008 Drake
graduation, will speak on their behalf.
School of Education Dean Jan McMahill also will make remarks and various awards will be presented.
One of the honorees is a state
legislator and two are current or former administrators with the Des Moines
Public Schools.
Sebring, superintendent of the Des
Moines Public Schools. A resident of Des Moines, Sebring received her
master’s, specialist and doctorate degrees in education from Drake.
Cunningham, former administrator at
Des Moines Public Schools and Drake Head Start. A resident of Estes Park,
Colo., Cunningham received her master’s degree in education from Drake.
Raecker, state legislator and
executive director of the Institute for Character Development at Drake
University. Raecker is a resident of Urbandale, Iowa.