Four Drake University choirs will present music spanning centuries in a free theme concert titled “Wanting Memories” on Sunday, Nov. 23.
The Drake Choir, University and Community Chorus, Chamber Choir and Chorale, all directed by Aimee Beckmann-Collier and Barbara Sletto, will perform at 3 p.m. on the Jordan Stage in Sheslow Auditorium in Old Main, 2507 University Ave.
The choirs will feature music from “Hallelujah” to vocal jazz and folk songs in a concert that will explore the role music plays in creating and recalling memories, Beckman-Collier said. “Wanting Memories” will include works by composers including Handel, Copland, Holst, Whitacre and Armstong.
The wide variety of repertoire will be paired with narrator John Burney’s words that will make connections among the works through a script by Dave DeBord. Actors Jaime Bassman and David Oddy will play various roles to bring the script to life.