Home Alumni Drake homepage gets a new look

Drake homepage gets a new look

In 20 years, www.drake.edu has been redesigned 9 times. On Saturday, Feb. 4, Drake launched design number 10. It has a revamped look and feel for the main four sections of the website which are about Drake, admission, academics and campus life.

The updated design is focused primarily on prospective students and their families. The goals of the project involving various departments on campus included a refresh of the web technology with responsive design and web accessibility, expanding the homepage strategy to provide more information up front for our primary audiences, and finally revamping the web design for increased readability and a cohesive look with printed recruitment materials.

Take a look at the designs over the years in this video created when the website launched.

Digital communications specialist Meredith Ponder has been hired to maintain the www.alumni.drake.edu website. She manages all digital and social media communications for the alumni relations office. Explore the alumni social media directory to see how you can stay connected to Drake.